Services By Collabit

Customized & Cost Effective Services


Collabit Provides Design & Build
Services For AV Infrastructure

Transform your company’s collaboration and communication experiences with Collabit's expertly integrated audio visual solutions. We design, deploy and support user-friendly, hassle-free AV systems so you can focus on growing your business, not struggling with your technology. Collabit provides solutions for real time, effective communications and collaborations.

  • Increase efficiency, improve productivity, and boost overall performance
  • Improve and speed decision making by connecting key stakeholders in real time
  • Reduce or eliminate unnecessary employee travel
  • Enable distributed workforces, remote employees, partners, and customers

Our Expert Services

Collabit Systems provides integrated audio, visual, and lighting technology solutions into a sophisticated system designed for your space and your communication/ collaboration needs. Once installed, our dedicated service team is here to support you throughout the lifetime of your system. Check out our services to learn more about our company’s Audio Visual solutions and services.

AV Consultancy services


From choosing right products to affordable options, our consultancy services helps a lot.

Need Analysis

Needs analysis helps in understanding the need of AV solutions & products for your business.

Solution Design

Customized & tailored solutions as per your business, are more cost effective & reliable.

Project Management

A to Z, Collabit works for complete project management, wherever you need for better AV performance.


Our team of professionals are well experienced & most reliable for quality execution in AV project deployment.

Onsite Support

Collabit provide high quality AV technology support services to your business site. No worries, we are just a call away.


Clients require a little 'how to' knowledge to administer & better usability of their AV infrastructure.


Annual Maintenance Services

To perfectly managed & smooth working AV systems, yearly maintenance is most required part.


Resident Engineer

Hire the best skilled resident engineers to work for your AV projects- Trained & approved by our experienced team members.

Technology Efficiency Leads To Performance,
Performance Leads To Better Business!


Want to Know More?
Get in Touch.

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